sample answer corrected from ridzuan answer

Written by Unknown on Friday 6 July 2012 at 16:53

Dear Asahi,

from all 6 submitted anwer for the exercise given, only mr ridzuan file can be read.
i have correct his coding. you can use his corrected coding here for your reference.

#include <stdio.h>
/*writer: Mr Ridzuan*/

int main()
    float float1,float2;
    float square1, square2;
    //int integer1,integer2; tk perlu

    //printf("Please insert first decimal number of your choice\n",float1);  ni yg awk buat
    printf("Please insert first decimal number of your choice\n");  //ni yg sy betulkn, tk perlu ade float1
    scanf("%f",&float1);//jgn letak \n dkat %f d scanf

    printf("Your first decimal is %f\n\n",float1);

    //printf("Please insert second decimal number of your choice\n",float2);
    printf("Please insert second decimal number of your choice\n");  //tk perlu ade float2

    printf("Your second decimal is %f\n\n",float2);

    //float3 = float1 * float2; sy nk squarekn??

    square1 = float1*float1;
    square2 = float2*float2;

    //printf("The equation of square of two decimal number your choice is %f\n",float3);  tk perlu
    printf("The square of %f is %f and square of %f is %f\n",float1,square1,float2,square2);

    return 0;

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This blogs is developed by Norhamimi Hamdan. She works as a lecturer for Embedded System Department at Kolej kemahiran Tinggi MARA Beranang. The main purpose of this blogs is to provide information/refferences sources for students of wireless embedded devices and c programming courses.